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Checking in on you during stressful times!

I hope you’re staying safe and healthy. These are certainly unusual and stressful times. I appreciate all of you who sent notes and ideas for how you’re using your time. I have included a list of some of them at the end of this blog.

In my last blog, I mentioned that puzzles are good for relaxation and family togetherness. I haven’t gotten very far with my puzzle . . . guess who wanted to help? I hope your family members are more helpful than Oliver.

We are at home now more . . .

Since we are all home more now and probably doing more cooking, this is also a good time to make a list of what is in your freezer and use up things that need to be used. My daughter and I cooked a large ham that had been sitting in the freezer for a long time.

It is also a good time to look in your pantry for older or unique items that you bought on a whim but haven’t used. There were a couple of things that I found that just got tossed. But I did use a box of spinach, kale, broccoli and lentil noodles that I had been ignoring. Surprisingly, they tasted really good.

It is helpful to create uplifting routines for your day. When under stress, routines can actually make us feel calmer. Be sure to include getting out in the sun and walking.

Ideas from others . . .

Here are some of the ideas that others sent me of what they’re doing during isolation:

Let me know what you’re doing, and I will continue to add things to the list.

Stay safe and healthy!

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